Marshall has worked as a communications strategist since 1998, providing public and private sector clients in the US and Europe with online campaign planning, crisis communications, stakeholder outreach, and other strategic communications services. He currently works as Vice President of Communications and Service Design at Citi Community Development.
Prior to joining Citi, he co‐founded Flashing12 Communications, a consulting group which used the tools and techniques of human-centered design to craft effective communications strategies, guiding clients through periods of growth, change, and crisis. Before starting Flashing12 he worked as consultant and Chief Technologist at TSD Communications, where he advised clients on how to effectively use technology as part of an overall communications strategy.
In addition to his communications work, he performs research in the field of service design with the Haute Ecole de Gestion de Geneve's Service Lab, and teaches a graduate course on services innovation at the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering. And in 2012, he launched the New York chapter of the Service Design Network, an international academic and professional association dedicated to advancing the practice of service design worldwide.
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